Igor Sorokin

Hands on therapy doctor
Highest qualification category

1996: graduated from the Pediatric Department of the Pirogov University.
1996 to 1997: he was trained in internship in the specialty of pediatric surgery.

«Hands on therapy» certificate issued on 10. July 2020, valid for 5 years.

Research and practice:
From 1997 on he worked as pediatric surgeon in urology of the Children’s hospital Nr 38.
In 2000, he underwent professional retraining at Neurology and Neurosurgery No. 2 at the Faculty of Advanced Medical Education, specializing in hands on therapy.
In 2001, he completed professional retraining on «Neurology» at the RUDN.
From 2000 to 2007 he worked as hands on therapist at the Center for Manual Therapy.
From 2007 on he works as hands on therapist at the Rehabilitation Dept of the ERC.

He diagnoses and treats patients with various vertebrogenic pathologies and pathologies of the peripheral nervous system. He also treats and prevents posture disorders in children and adolescents, as well as various pathologies of large joints.
He participates in Russian and international scientific and practical conferences and workshops on manual therapy and rehabilitation.